Saturday, August 8, 2009

This tiny purse was made from a small scrap of upholstery fabric. I loved the design of the fabric - you cannot really tell, but the flower petals are textured. I ended up creating a child's purse and again, donating it to charity.

At another upholstery fabric shop, they had sealed bags of miscellaneous trims for a steal. I thought the jeweled trim would be fun on a kids purse. Although the bag turned out cute, the beads had to be reinforced since the threads that held them together kept breaking. I guess that's why the trim such a bargain.
I found this cute embroidery design on the web and had no place to put it so I made this bag. You cannot tell, but the pink squares have tone-on-tone hearts in the center of them. Again, this bag was donated to charity.

I made this bag to be donated to The Masquerade Theatre Gala, but did not get it in early enough to be in the auction. I just love how the embroidered toes shoes seem to make it look like legs under the tutu. I hope it brings lots of bids at the next auction.
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